Monday, August 23, 2010

chital deer and Lengura

In Mangrove forests an interesting relation is observed between chital deer and Lengura. Chital deer graze in the jungle floor where lengura are found on the branches of the trees above. When lengura spot any danger (especially tiger) they give alarm signal and this help chital to escape. But why lengura help chitals?

Actually the relation is not one-sided, both group are benefited by mutual co-operation. From the tree branches the langura can visually cover a significant portion of the surrounding, the chitals have good sense of smell which can detect the presence of hidden danger. So these two group complement each other.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Feline versus Canine muscle

Felines are very agile and athletic
Felines have predominantly fast twisting muscle

Canine muscles are slow twisting, they have greater stamina.